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We’ve reached a key milestone in our CSR project before year-end

We have now surpassed 300 lectures on digital balance for young people aged 14-19 in Denmark.

Together with actor Michael Fabricius Sand, we have had the pleasure of creating space for reflection, dialogue, and inspiration about the benefits and challenges that come with using digital and social media—all without pointing fingers!

With engaging and staged key points, our focus revolves around sleep, mental overload, and the new conditions shaping young people's identity on social media.

👉🏻 86% of young participants say they have gained new knowledge and insights.

👉🏻 61% will consider their own usage in the future.

A special thank you to Gitte Brønnum Busk & Annette Thysgaard from the City of Copenhagen, Tina Gørtz Christensen from Gentofte Municipality, and, not least, all the principals, school leaders, and teachers who have made this possible.

In 2025, we will continue our project efforts, marking the 6th consecutive year of visiting all first-year students at upper secondary schools in the City of Copenhagen.

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+45 6133 6818

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